HTML Content - Custom Visual for Power BI



Gold Sponsors

Proud sponsor of the HTML Content visual. We appreciate all the community contributions Daniel has made into this incredible visual. Thank you.

 Act Like the Business
 Think Like I.T.


Daniel Marsh-Patrick

In addition to working on HTML Content, Daniel contributes a number of free and open-source custom visuals  to the Power BI Marketplace.

He is extremely passionate about the Microsoft BI stack, particularly Power BI, and has been delivering Power BI solutions since 2014. He is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, a Power BI Community Super User and regularly presents and blogs on a variety of Power BI subjects. Daniel is also a Principal Data Analyst with DiscoverEI, transforming environmental data into decisions.

He has authored the Introduction to Developing Power BI Visuals course via RADACAD, to provide a guided learning path for those who wish to learn to develop Power BI Visuals.

Consultation Services

Daniel is available for consultation services, including custom visual development, Power BI training, and Power BI solution architecture. Please arrange a session or submit your request via his website.